Monday, February 9, 2015


Yesterday I took a much-needed break for a ladies' day with The Russkie. First there was brunch - BRUNCH! The best meal ever created! - at Boulder Cafe.

It occurs to me that, since most of you don't know her, you might picture The Russkie with a thick accent, toting a flask of vodka under her fir-trimmed hat. That's not actually the case, but go ahead and keep picturing her that way, just for fun! I call Putin "her boy" which she totally loves, let me tell you. And when Russia is in the news, I call her out on what "her people" are up to. It's a miracle she's willing to be seen in public with me, like, at all.

Southwest Eggs Benedict. Be still my beating heart.
Russkie got this egg quiche tortilla thing that was divine.
Then we saw the movie. Which I totally want to talk about, but first, I want to give props to the crunchy and organic people of Boulder for their outstanding movie theaters. We just went to the regular ole theater, nothing (I thought) fancy. Um, wrong. Um, I'm going to all the movies in the future at this place. They served Starbucks coffee (!) and real Boulder Creamery Ice Cream (!). What?? So, you know, THIS happened.

I used my waffle cone as a spoon. I may have also made grunting and snorting sounds.
The stadium seating was super steep as well, which I love, because then I don't have to grind my teeth during all the trailers, waiting for a giant to plop down directly in front of me. And the seats were super duper cushioned! More cushy for the tushy!

So, the movie: American Sniper

The Clint Eastwood-directed film is based on the true story of Chris Kyle, who became one of the Army's most successful snipers in all of history. I've mentioned this before, but I have this thing about going to see certain based-on-real-life-current-war-movies (Zero Dark Thirty, Lone Survivor) because it helps me really picture what things are like, and what people go through. Even though it's Hollywood's version, still. I think many people appreciate the movie as an "experience" like I do.

Bradley Cooper did such a great job. Wow. Just, wow. The beginning of the movie was really slow as they developed Chris's character. This is truly a movie about him, not just his Army service, so there was a lot of cinematic attention paid to his youth and home life that I wasn't expecting. The movie, even while watching it, felt slow. But the cinematography, acting, screen shots, effects, everything, were superb. I recommend this with a caveat: there are some scenes with kids that might offend you (violence).

All in all, I need more days like yesterday. I will pay you $1,000 to clean my house and do my taxes for me. Also, please ensure that we get a $10,000-$20,000 refund in order to take several vacations next year. Thanks.


  1. So your comments to the Russkie reminded me of my neighbor taking me downtown. She would say things like, "this is the lovely cathedral that was here for 2 million years before the Americans bombed it. HaHa *side eye* to me. I was thinking, "Americans might have much to apologize for, but bombing the &#!* out of Germany is not one of them."

    I basically never - like ever - watch movies any more. But I rented Silver Linings Playbook a few weeks ago (have you watched it? Bradley Cooper & Jennifer Lawrence) and I really liked it. James even ended up watching and liking it, though I kept expecting him to bolt at any moment. I couldn't figure out why I liked it so much because it really is very slow-placed and basically odd and strange. But the acting is SO GOOD. Anyway, after watching that is when all the hoopla about AS came out and now that I am a Bradley Cooper fan I definitely want to see it. I'll have to wait until it comes to itunes because - you know - language barriers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. These are more documentary than movie, but if you want "what it's really like" films, you might like Restrepo or Korengal, which are both on Netflix. They are basically the same film, but Korengal has a more smoothly edited feel to it...and slightly less swearing
