Thursday, December 25, 2014

Eggs, Butter, and Sugar (or: Merry Christmas)

Merry Christmas, peeps!  I hope you are either eating, drinking, or slumbering at this very moment!  Today, as well as the past few days, has been filled with eggs, sugar, and butter.  There's no eloquent way to put it: that's the truth.

The official holiday nut around here (besides Lucy) is the pecan.  Are there any vitamins of note in these?  If so, I should be healthy as a horse.

Dark chocolate pecan pie = Merry Frikkin Christmas, people!
We were up and under the tree at 6:30 this morning.  I kid you not.  Coffee in hand and wrapping paper all over the library.  I am thrilled with my new gift: I requested a glider.  This will come in handy (read: will keep me awake) next semester when I have two lit classes and 400,000 papers to grade all the time.  Also?  We need to do some work in the side room.  It needs some decorative tender loving care.  All in good time.

No, I did not get out of my pj's today.  Why would you even ask?

In dawrighthouse today there have been movies and books and cookies and chex mix and bunny lovins (not) and mimosas and naps and Xbox playing and more books and yummy deliciousness.   And episodes of Smallville.  Pretty soon there will be episodes of Frasier because I got some DVD's as gifts. (Best. Show.  Ever.)

There has not been work or grading or syllabus planning or exercise or cleaning.

I'm gliding away as I type this.  Just so you know.  Wheeeeeee.


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