Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lately (aka random bullet points)

* Monday through Wednesday is a complete blur for me.  I feel like I go to bed on Sunday night and the next thing I know, I'm waking up on Thursday morning.  No complaints about that!

This is what Lucy looks like right before she gets into big trouble for messing with something.
* In addition to tutoring one-on-one with students at the K-8 school, I have been assigned my own reading group!  This means that I lead the same group of students through a fluency poem and book portion in the mornings, discussing vocab, plot, etc.  They are one of the higher reading groups and I'm having a lot of fun.  Third graders are cool.

* It's almost time for fall drives around Colorado.  Sooooo my favorite time of the year.  Other than Christmas.  And Thanksgiving.

Fall begins.
* I think I'm finally getting into a rhythm with the college students.  We are forming a group/class dynamic and I'm learning that even though I know a lot about writing, teaching it is an entirely different monster.  I think I'm getting better at addressing different learning styles and a whole different generation altogether.  I think this is what I want to do.  I have a meeting with my TA adviser tomorrow to figure out a path to make that happen after grad school.

* Along those lines, I think I am adding two certificate programs to my MA degree.  It will most likely tack on a couple of extra semesters, but let's be honest, I'm in no rush to graduate.  I'm not on some kind of accelerated career plan.  It looks like I'll pursue a certificate in Women & Gender Studies and also Teaching to ESL students.  Wish me luck!

Also?  I have become a Sherpa.  I can't simply grab my purse and run out the door.  There are books and papers and grids and plans and notes...and more books.
* I'm soooooo happy it's fall.
* Hello, college football!
* Upcoming fall brunch!
* Decorations are the best!

I got this honkin' Jack-o-lantern to put out in the yard.  Classy.

* If anyone has a pill or something I can take to lose 45 pounds I would really appreciate it.  Thanks.

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