Friday, September 12, 2014


OK, seriously, it's in the 40's here.  WHAT?  It's not even officially mid September yet!  I'm in full on flannel pj's as I write this.  Crazy CO.

The thing is, if I'm being 100% honest (as opposed to how I usually am, which is only 20-30% honest.  Kidding, it's at least 50%.), I don't mind the chilly, rainy weather.  I mind working in it.  If I could stay home and sleep read all day, it would be perfect.

I took more pictures tonight.  I couldn't help myself.  You are welcome.

Look at that wrinkly neck.  It kills me.

We do our work at the dining room table and the cat will not stay away.  She's all over our books and papers, and halfway into my purse, and in my lap, with her rat tail in my face.  I kid you not.  She's a sweet little thing, but looks like a science project gone wrong.  Petting her feels like stroking a baked potato.

Also?  The OCD continues.  I had to fix the lid after I took this because the hole (to drink out of) was off-kilter from the labels.  It has to directly align in order for me to drink it.  This, coming from someone who does not fix her hair some mornings before work.  From someone who doesn't try overly hard to match her clothes.  It makes no sense.

But!  I can breathe now, and have slept the past two nights, and can sometimes hear out of one ear or the other, although never both simultaneously.  My voice is starting to come back and I no longer feel like dying.  I may just pull through in time for the weekend, hallelujah and praise God.

One more day.  I can do this.

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