Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's the little things

I came back to the hotel last night and saw this:

I was like "Oooooooooh!  A gift!"  It could have been filled with someone's trash and I wouldn't have cared; it was such a nice surprise.

Turns out it was geared toward "professionals" so obviously they got my room mixed up with someone else's but I don't mind.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, G and Orca are having one big love fest without me.

Could you die or what?  I am IN LOVE with this pic.
I am the third wheel in their love and cuddles with each other.  At night on the phone, G will go, "Hold on.  I'm going to put you on speaker while I give her her meds."  A few minutes later, "Hold on, I'm going to put you on speaker while I go check on her in the library."

I know what's going on.  The phone is sitting on the table with me chattering away, and they're quietly playing Halo in the background, exchanging knowing glances and chuckling together.

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