Sunday, September 30, 2012

The little wagon that could

When G was out here last week, we had a to-do list that was a mile long.  And on it, he had put "buy wagon."  He thought it would be a good tool for schlepping groceries and stuff back and forth from the apartment to the car.  I wasn't too keen on the idea, but like the stellar and godly wife that I am, I kept my mouth shut.  And I'm glad I did because he is a total genius.

Let me present to you the best idea ever:

It's the little wagon that could - and does! - carry all my crap.  I made my first grocery run yesterday and this puppy really came in handy.  I got a couple of weird looks in the elevator, but ask me if I care.

**Also I feel the need to say that we actually use those cloth, re-usable grocery bags.  Which of course were buried under boxes in the apartment and were not in my car where they usually reside.  Just sayin.

The trip to the grocery store was harrowing yesterday and I learned my lesson which is:  If you need to take your time and learn where everything is, then don't come on a Saturday morning, you complete moron.

The store closest to us is great, but small, and I was wondering around, wide-eyed, open-mouthed, trying to read the signs for each aisle, as exasperated patrons were rushing past me on both sides.  CO peeps are extremely nice, so I take the blame for this one.  I know they probably wanted to throttle me with their baguettes.

I have reconnected with a friend from my first years of college who lives close by.  I am going over to her house for dinner tonight and I have wracked my brain trying to recollect the last time I saw her.  I think I was maybe 22?  At the latest, I would have been 23.  CRAZY!  I am really looking forward to it.  We chatted on the phone earlier this week and spent the entire time basically squealing in excitement.  Indeed, it was like college all over again.  Fun times.

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