Sunday, September 23, 2012

The beginnings of home

We're here!

Hello to our awesome CO neighbors!

I woke up this morning with a bloody nose, so it's official.  I have to go through this process all over again.

Also, we keep inhaling but there is no oxygen.  Can someone do something about that?

I woke up bright and early at 5:00 this morning and we can't check in to our apartment until 10:00, so, hello peeps!  Also, I'm very hungry!  And thirsty.

Plans for today include getting keys to the apartment and unloading my Beverly Hillbillies car.  Then we have brunch at 11:30 with C, my main work peep who has been waiting for me to get out here.  C introduced me to The Good Wife, Mad Men and Vampire Diaries - therefore, she is a very important person in my life.  I consider her my main line to all things pop culture.

After the mimosas, the manual labor begins.  We are going to buy 500,000 shelves to put up in every nook and cranny of the apartment in order to help us adjust to what happens when you downsize from three floors to three rooms.  Organization!  We are going to be clean and we are going to be organized!  Even if it kills us - and it just might.

They deliver the furniture tomorrow and I have this sinking feeling that it is not all going to fit.  We may be able to walk across the entire apartment on furniture itself, like lily pads in a pond.  No need to even use the floor.  But we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

I am so happy to be here and so happy that G took the time off work to make the hellish drive with me and to help get things semi-situated before going back to work.  He leaves in a couple of days to go back and continue the job search.

I am going to miss him and the bun bun.

I am not going to dwell on that, though.  That comes later.  First, we have to survive the last of the manual labor.  Wish us luck!

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