Sunday, March 11, 2012


So my For-Real niece, Jules, turns one soon.  We got her a ton of books, of course.  As I was wrapping them tonight I had one of those reflective moments about my life.  Here I was, wrapping books for my niece, who is Italian.  Who would have seen that coming?  I'm from the south, so it's not as if I envisioned my future to be very...ethnic.

As I was wrapping them on the dining room table, a bright yellow color caught my eye - my high school phone directory.  Why, you may be asking, do I still have that?  First, let's take a trip down memory lane - remember when people actually used phone directories?  Like, before the internet?  Like, before cell phones that stored all numbers in electronic memory?  Yeah, the olden days.

My mom is cleaning out a bunch of my childhood stuff and has been sending it to me in random boxes.  The latest box included this high school directory whose cover was designed by...yours truly.  Never in a million, bajillion years would I have remembered how artistic I used to be.  Honestly, if she hadn't sent me a box full of stuff, I never would have remembered it.  Not only did I draw, but I entered into competitions and often won.  I don't know what's more disturbing:  the fact that this artistic talent obviously flew the coop or the fact that I completely forgot this attribute of my younger self.  Yikes.  If any of you watch famous movies from the nineties and see me acting in them, please give me a buzz...I could use the royalties for Africa.

So not only is my future fuzzy, (in a couple more years, what other new people will be in my life?  What presents will I be wrapping then?), but apparently, so is my past...

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see the cover! I met you pretty soon after you got out of high school and had no idea you could draw.
