Monday, December 5, 2011

Seasonal Thoughts

A few random thoughts:

*My Gama loves to do those word search puzzles.  You know the ones; a jumble of letters and you circle the hidden word once you find it.  I ordered her several as a Christmas present, and get this;  they asked if I wanted new or used.  Um, what would be the purpose of getting one with all the words already found?

*This is such a busy time of year, even for us stodgy introverts.  Even adding a couple of holiday parties and a handful of gifts to buy to our schedules seems to have pushed us over the edge somehow.  I'm trying to enjoy this and not get stressed by it.  Thank God that I have people in my life to buy presents for; that I can afford to buy them; that there's meaningful hustle & bustle during this holiday season.  Thank God for the decorations, for the lights, for the friends, for the celebrations.  I wish this season were longer and then everything wouldn't be so condensed into such an unreasonably short timeframe. Of course, if it were longer, we would just cram more crap into it.  So, I'm trying to take a deep breath and - while I'm not exactly enjoying every moment - at least savor every moment.  Even if it's chaotic.

*If you are not intimately familiar with Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Gingerbread Lattes at Starbucks, I suggest you stop reading this and go try them (both) immediately.  I don't even drink that much coffee - as the caffeine would send me into the stratosphere - but I've found myself coming up with every excuse in the world to "just run by Starbucks real quick" in the middle of errands.

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