Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shotgun Wedding

So we had to take Orca to the vet last night and both of us were a little freaked out.  You know how we get with the buns.  Anyway, it turns out that she's old and arthritic - nothing more serious than nature taking its course.  She'll be fine.

On our way out, as G was paying, I was holding Orca and mainly just reveling in the relief.  The receptionist was a nice young girl and was trying to make chit chat with us, asking all kinds of questions about bunnies.  So it came out that we have had bunnies for as long as we've been married, 10 years.  I jokingly said, "Can you believe it?  I don't look that old, do I?"  As in, hardy har.

The rest of the conversation went like this:

Girl:  No!  You must have gotten married really young!

Me:  Why yes!  Because here, 10 years later, I'm still so young!

G:  Sigh.  Well, we had to get married.  We had no choice.

Everyone stopped and stared at him.  Then at me.  He made it sound like I was barefoot and pregnant with quadruplets and thank God he stepped up and rescued me from that durn trailer park by marrying me.

Honest to God.

He spent the rest of the time stammering about how, no no, we were just so in love and living so far apart that the only choice we had was to get married!

But now everyone in the vet's office thinks I'm a you-know-what.


  1. That is hilarious. The next time you go to the vet everyone's going to be extra nice to you because they feel sorry for you. Ha ha!
