Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Lamb Cake

Happy Easter!  I hope you had a good one.

When we got married, I was grafted into a vast extended family.  One branch that lives a couple of hours away from us are A Catholic Hoot.  We usually spend Easter with them and they have a tradition that I'd never heard of before.  I present to you:

The Cake of the Lord

Yes, apparently it has a necklace.

They just call it The Lamb Cake and when I asked if there was some story behind it, they looked at each other pointedly, then someone told me very delicately, "It's a lamb.  You know?  Like the lamb of God?"  I was like, "Well, YEAH.  I know THAT."  Maybe they should use white icing?  Anyway, it's worth the ridiculous drive to spend the day with them and the Lord's Dessert.

There was a grand feast:

Then there was dessert (I made the cupcakes, but how could they compete?):

Leading a lamb to slaughter:

It was actually nice enough to sit outside.

Break out pictures of the grandchild and everyone flocks around. 

I tell you, those Catholics do it right.  They were off last week and they're off tomorrow.  I WISH.


  1. Nice cupcakes :) There are a lot of Catholics here too - I guess that's why the schools are closed today.

  2. Your cupcakes look waaaay better than the cake!
