Saturday, May 20, 2017


The past couple of days have been cold and snowy, so it was nice to get out in the yard today for the refreshing 60 degree (and sunny!) weather.

We are slowly growing the plant collection over here. My grand plan is to sneak about two plants into the Home Depot buggy every time we're there so that G doesn't notice them adding up over time. Gradual accumulation and all that.

The back yard is pretty bare (we're working on killing weeds and leveling the dirt) but every little bit of color helps. At least we can sit in the rockers and enjoy these desert beauties:

The descriptions say that these hardy desert plants are drought-resistant and can go long periods of time with very little care. I'm hoping that means they can be taken inside (please, G, please) during the winters and placed next to a heating vent and a window. I love how these dry-area plants get big, gnarly, and alien-looking over time. My dad has an Aloe Vera plant on their back deck that's as big as a car tire and looks like it belongs in outer space somewhere. Goalz.

Since G's parents left, these introverts have been hibernating in the house, in total silence and solitude. But we managed to get to the grocery store today and it was full of color, too. Look at these cute dragon fruits! Have you ever eaten these? I haven't but I bet you bucks I'd like them.

The front yard is coming along. I'm almost done with the new mulch (nothing like getting through it and realizing you still need like 2 more bags to cover the bare spots. Eye roll emoji.) and it looks like the lil things survived the snow. It didn't really freeze or frost over night so I think we're good to go.

OK, in the picture below, I want you to notice the colorful outdoor mat. See it? It's made from recycled flip flops! I've been looking for something (1) weather proof, (2) colorful (NOT BROWN), and (3) large, for our front stoop. You can't tell in the pictures, but the stoop is big, about 4 feet across. Therefore, normal-sized mats look small and inadequate out front. All the bigger mats I've found, though, aren't really rugged enough to survive for long in Colorado. Or, they say something like "Hello!" or "Welcome!"

We're not exactly "Hello!" kind of people.

But this one! It's super bright and resilient. I love it! When I start making peanuts - I mean, a paycheck - later this summer, I'd like to order one for the back patio door, too.

Things are coming together. We're starting to make hiking plans for the coming weeks. Mer is visiting soon. And by "visiting," I mean, "living with us until we go to Africa". I have two solid weeks until All The Summer Jobs begin.

Life is good.

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