Guess who had a birthday recently?
We flew in and had an actual, real birthday party for her. When I ordered the cake (a few weeks ago I called from Denver), the woman kept repeating, "OK, Happy Birthday G-A-M-A?" I was like YES. Today when I picked it up, the girl at the counter whipped open the box and said, "Happybirthday G---, gh---, gamma?"
When Gama looked at the picture (above), she goes, I don't look that old, do I? I was like, me too, sister. Me, too.
Now that I'm toothless, I fit right in! <<-- And that's the last time I'm talking about my &%#@ dental issues (which have cleared up but have also scarred me for life).
More of her church friends, and our family, showed up than we were even expecting. The ones who couldn't make it sent cards for me to give her. It was a big day. Well worth the harried trip.
In every spare moment I have (hahahahahaha) I'm frantically working on a Milton paper that is due Monday. Of course we lose an hour tonight. MASSIVE EYE ROLL. It's OK though because every time G gets snarky with me, I hold up all the DIVORCE materials I'm reading right now. Did you know that in the 1650's, Milton was a proponent of Christians getting divorces? My paper is about a few flaws in his logic. It's kind of a ballsy move, but you only live once and all that.
OK, loves. This introvert is exhausted. The divorce reading will soon lull me into sweet slumber. Then I'll be up well before the crack of dawn to drive forever in order to meet Gama for breakfast.
It's crazy times in Arkansas!! Night night!
That's awesome! I'm glad you got to party with your Gama on her B-Day.