Last night as we were getting ready for bed, G (my personal weather forecaster since I never check it on my phone or the news) mentioned that today was supposed to be icy. I was fluffing my pillow and arranging my latest Anne Lamott book, so I was like, "Mmm k hon, love you, night night." And he was like, "So, we need to be careful driving and walking," and I was like, "Yes, and what are we? 85 years old? It'll be fine."
Sure enough I nearly busted my a$$ in the driveway this morning. As I was walking to the car. In hiking boots. (massive eye roll)
Cars were careening around on the roads, and students were skating - not walking - to class. Myself included.
It is a blustery day in the Mile High City, my friends.
Quickly turned into this:
In case you're wondering, no, I do not just randomly take selfies. But I wanted to show off my necklace that A-peep got me for Christmas. It's African, nbd. I love love love it. I want to move there and work on an elephant preserve and never write a paper again. I can read from atop an African elephant as we saunter through the brush on our way to pet baby cheetahs and such.
The arctic picture above is from a brisk walk I took in between teaching and my other job today. Walking in the cold is my favorite and I'm trying very hard to live my life rather than letting it live me and exercise is one way I can make myself delirious off of endorphins instead of adrenaline and anxiety. It's one way that I can try to be in the moment and halfway aware of myself and how I'm feeling and how I'm doing and if, generally, I'm OK.
I do what I can, is all I'm sayin.
It was very beautiful in a cold, icy, silvery sort of way.
The lil chicken has been doing perfectly fine. No more tummy issues, so, you know, now we can sleep at night. I bought her a seasonal friend in honor of Valentine's Day because I just couldn't help myself. It was only $5 AND matched her friends AND it's a panda!
I mean, right??
Sometimes she puts up with him, and sometimes she most certainly does not. What can I say? She's a strong female. I support that.
Now if only she would snuggle with me all day...