Sunday, December 4, 2016

Christmas, Officially

It has been so nice this semester to have the occasional Saturday during which I do absolutely nothing. There's always a bit of reading here and there, but otherwise, I was a total sloth yesterday. Except for this:

Isn't it great? We got a new tree this year because the old one had that fake snow spray on it that ended up getting everywhere for a good six months after the holiday, and also because you could see the support pole (or, trunk, as it were) through the branches. The past couple of years it has bugged me more and more that the tree was big but didn't look full. So this year we got a slightly smaller tree that is much more full and that doesn't have fake snow but still has some embellishments to make it look real (like pine cones).

We got some dazed and confused reindeer to go along with the WTF snowman. G is having a heyday of sarcasm over here.

Lucy can't take all the happiness and festivity, so she spends a lot of time hanging out in (and running back and forth in) her cat tunnel.

 I've said it before and I'll say it again: three introverts live in this house.

Please step back from my Tunnel of Solitude, Mom.
She's come a long way though, this one. We continue to have love fests on the hearth. It looks like I'm holding her down, but I'm not. I'm giving her a neck massage and basking in the bunny softness. She even lets us kiss her on the nose! Such a frowny girl, but I'll take what I can get.

Today is going to be busy (read: making up for yesterday's sloth mode) but that's OK because this is the last week of school! Hallelujah! One more week of chaos and student neediness followed by finals which is only slightly less ridiculous, and then. And then. Delicious, delicious freedom. Pj's, coffee, and books until January, people.

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