Hello from Cheyenne!
After a Thanksgiving luncheon with our greater adopted family on Thursday, we hit the road. We've been exploring Cheyenne, Laramie, and Vedawoo since. The best part of Black Friday and the start of the holiday shopping chaos is to escape it entirely and get outside. Or at least outside our normal routine.
We spent this morning hiking in snowy Vedawoo (pronounced VAYduhVOO), an area of rocky outcroppings that stick out from the otherwise tree-less, rolling plains. The Native Americans considered this a sacred site.
Don't worry. While we were freezing, Loo Loo Bell was nice and warm. And cozy, and most importantly (for her), alone in the hotel room. The hotel documented her as a therapy animal. Worst. Therapist. Ever.
I spent the first part of the break (read: GRLZ WKND) completely in denial about the amount of reading I have to do, so I've been making up for that the last couple of days. I purposefully didn't bring any fun reading. I call this method, 'forced focusing'. It involves carrying my book(s) around everywhere and taking advantage of random moments like this.
Even though I brought my laptop, I've been avoiding email altogether. Remember the dinosaur footprints trip earlier this semester? Well, I had to grade and I spent part of the weekend dealing with a case of student plagiarism. (!!!) I'm still getting used to being a teacher. Still trying to learn the balance of work and play. This trip is a lot more play.
Also have I mentioned how much I totally and completely love not grading film papers? Not lately? Well, I can't let you forget how proud I am of that decision, people!
Cheers to that!
Stay tuned for some great pics tomorrow. We took some awesome ones on the real camera, but forgot to bring the transfer connector doo dad for my computer. Those pics include Lucy's new BF (for real, an appropriate match), the highest point on the transcontinental rail road, and beautiful Wyoming scenery.
Happy Thanksgiving weekend! (Read: almost time to decorate for Christmas.)
I still have about 30 hours of break left and I plan to take full advantage.
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