Saturday, May 7, 2016

BOYZ weekend is not as cool as GIRLZ weekend

This post is brought to you by Brain Break 2016. I am so over this theory paper. When I sit down to work on it my brain just crosses her arms and stares me down. She's not cooperating.

G is at a BOYZ weekend in honor of the new Captain America movie. Oh, and friendship.

G has found his people, his tribe, and he may never come back.

And if he doesn't come back that's eventually going to be problematic for me. Even assuming the best - that this paper gets finished and I pass this semester - my paychecks are about to dry up.

Somebody's gotta pay the bills around here.

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is funny - video games, train table, toy tools. Not a barbie in sight.
