Tuesday, January 27, 2015

One Last Book Review To Tide You Over

Already the break seems so long ago. And yet...I'm enjoying the new writing consultant job, despite the insane and unbelievable amount of work it is. I've been put in charge of a couple of workshops and part of me appreciates the opportunity while another (unfortunately, more internally vocal) part of me wishes I could have five minutes to get my own life and classes in order before taking on additional work crap, but what are you gonna do? I mean, really?

How I spend every waking minute at home:

It bears mentioning that the waking minutes are so outnumbering the sleeping ones at this point. So sad.

I squeaked in one more book at the end of the break: She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb.

I read this several years ago and remember it being funny. Upon reading it again, I remember that it's also very sad and moving. How's that for descriptive? <-- go easy on me, I have no mental stamina, people.

The story is about a girl who is raised in a broken home and uses TV and food as coping mechanisms. Thus, she becomes very large, gets made fun of, and further isolates herself from people and activities that could help her. The story follows her throughout school, college, and into her mid-thirties. She undergoes a lot of changes as a result of personal development (and psychological healing), and eventually forms meaningful relationships and a healthy life for herself. There are some disturbing parts in it, but Lamb does a phenomenal job of presenting a complex and broken personality, worthy of love and redemption (<--not to say that there is redemption, but there is the potential for it). What I like best is his ability to weave the pitiful and the hilarious; it is just like real life, and I appreciate that.

It is a book I'll hold onto and read again in a few more years if I ever get myself out of 18th century England.

Speaking of, I better get back to it.

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