Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It pays to drink a lot (of water)

Did you hear the heavenly host yesterday?  In the morning?  The skies split open and there was much rejoicing because I'm in the clear for another six months!  The kidney stone is behaving!  It's not moving, dropping, or growing.  It is perched at the top of my kidney like a bat in a cave, and I'm totally cool with that.

It just goes to show you that drinking 75 gallons of water a day really does work.

Interesting tidbit:
My urologist never specifically recommends drinking cranberry juice; he simply recommends water and lemonade, a lot, daily.  This may be for my specific type of stone, but I was surprised because it seems like that's cranberry juice's claim to fame:  kidney health.  He says drinking it is just fine, but that the acid from lemonade is most effective for me.

Also, I alternate between being very accustomed to sloshing around, and getting almost nauseated by water.  One of the telltale signs of a passing kidney stone is bad nausea, which just so happens to be a side effect of drinking a lot of water, so one can't win, really.  There are times during the day, though, that I'm like, OK, that's it.  No more water, I just can't do it.

So then I reach for the diet Ginger Ale (gettin a little crazy!!).

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