Saturday, January 14, 2012

Remedy: Violence on Ice

Another remedy to combat the monotony of The Long Winter is to go to a hockey game.  For Christmas, we received tickets for some truly great seats and we went to a packed game last night (and the Caps won!)

This is how close our seats were!  Taken with crappy phone camera and no zoom!

I'm not much of a sports fanatic but the thing I appreciate about hockey is how crazy fast it is.  I can't believe that huge guys can skate that fast and still have the where-with-all to whack a puck with a little stick.  I spend half the game wondering what the puck is going on.  And, yes, I've been looking for a place to use that line!  Another fun thing about hockey is the replacement cuss words.  People yelling, GET THE PUCK OUTTA THERE!  I get that they mean it literally - get the puck to the enemy's goal and away from our own - but come on.  Gotta love replacement cuss words.

A shirt in the gift shop.  G rolled his eyes and walked away as I guffawed and pulled out my camera.

A final note:  this is how we know we're getting old.  On a Friday night, at a boisterous hockey game, G leans over to me and says, "This is great, but kind of loud.  I feel old saying this, but I could use some ear plugs or something."  I was all, "What?  No, the noise is great!  It keeps me from getting sleepy."


So, a merry christmas to us, and GO CAPS!

1 comment:

  1. I know, I know, I'm reading this way after the fact but LET'S GO CAPS! :) (oh, and I like my men on ice too!) :)
