Monday, September 5, 2011

R-E-A-L Housewives of Miami

I just got back from a much-needed vacay to see my BFJ.  A bonus to this trip was that I got to see a good friend of mine from college, too.  I have several things to blog about from my trip to the tropics, but I wanted to start with the most important; the real housewives of Miami.  Girls - ladies, really, but let's not age ourselves - who have their priorities straight, live with integrity, are loads of fun, and have become a significant part of how God restores my soul.

See for yourself:

Me and my BFJ.

Where, oh where did this red head come from in a house full of brunettes?  We asked about the milk man, the newspaper deliverer, etc. but got no leads.  Hmmmm.  I guess there's something to the whole recessive gene concept after all!

This is my friend, Rapper L.  She and I rapped - no joke - in front of hundreds of people in college.  And we brought down the house.  She's now the mother of 3 kids but don't be fooled.  She can throw down some tunes.

Tarting around with my BFJ in Las Olas, a fun section of shops in Fort Lauderdale.  It's similar to an Old Town or a Riverwalk.  The food - and drinks! - are remarkable.  But the company was the best part.

Chillin like villians with my lil BF.  We were exhausted, people.  We needed some downtime.

The trip was just the right amount of time, considering that it's really not a possibility for me to move in with them and discuss books, food, modern events and theology 24/7.  I managed to make it in between hurricanes and right on the cusp of college football which will now be in the forefront of my mind until January.  Along with pumpkin bread and the upcoming fall season.

More to come about the kiddos, the food, the great times, and some great shots of the Miami area.  But for now, back to the grindstone.  Am already checking my calendar for the next trip...

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