Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Self Expression

One of the benefits of living in this day and age (and country) is the ability to express oneself.  This is painfully clear in politics and reality TV shows.  Just because we can say anything we want doesn't mean that we should.  I'm just sayin.

A form of self expression that is hard to avoid in this area is the personalized license plate.  Is that really necessary?  I guess it is when people spend about 17 hours a day in their cars...staring at other peoples' license plates.

Here are a few I've seen lately, along with my commentary.

For the computer geek in you:

(That's what you have to say for yourself?  That you're good at power point????)

(Dude, what an interesting life you lead.)

For general outlook on life:

(Hope springs eternal...)

(...or not.)

(Or hopeful yet again...)

For the nebulous & spiritual:

(What?  Does this mean you're forgiven by God?  Or that you forgive God?  Or that you yourself are a forgiving god?)

And for the pathetic, the prize goes to:

Let me preface this by saying that a middle aged man was driving a bright blue sedan that said:

I (heart) WIGGLES

(I'd just like to say that on my girliest of days, I'm more masculine than this guy.)

1 comment:

  1. HA UDO N....really? Someone paid for that.

    And one of my friends who you *might* know saw this one:
    NOKDSYT and thought it was "no kids whitey".
    Enough said.
