Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bye Bye Borders

So, due to financial mishaps and pressures that go back years, Borders bookstore is closing.  We are very upset about this.  We know that we're a million years behind the times, and when it comes to books we stubbornly drag our feet and insist on ordering the old fashioned way - you know, by going to a store, perusing the aisles, picking up books, turning them over in our hands, reading the inside flaps, sipping our coffee, etc.  And yes, we know we're old fashioned and that times are changing and anyone in America with even the teensiest bit of forethought could see this coming down 5th Avenue.

But it's still sad.

Online bookstores are fine, but they lack the exploration factor.  Several of the books in our library were found while we were looking around for other books.  Web pages can recommend books, and often they nail it, but it's just not the same.

We are literally being forced into the 21st century.  At this rate, we're going to have to find the kindle, then find the charger, then track down the appropriate passwords....then read a book that involves clicking instead of flipping.  O. M. G.


  1. There's still the library ;)

  2. Do you remember the Border's in the mall in Aurora where you and Jaime met Bud and me? It is now a 'Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill'. We don't go to that mall much anymore!
